______________________________________________________A draughtsman's pitch black car contract : ici je dessine au saut du lit toutes les histoires de véhicules qui me hantent ou me poursuivent jusque dans les cauchemars et les rêves noirs qui bousculent la nuit. Est-ce ma faute si leurs bouilles de contact ont presque toujours des gueules de gargouilles intactes ?
20 mars 2012 : It's early in the black hours of the morning. Not a star. Sipping coffee from a white cup idling hot in my right hand, I accidentally drew on a paper band near the pot, this ragged shape of a car. Two days later in broad daylight, on the D 16 speeding almost, I happened to be overcome by its ghost. For a minute this made me feel under par; there seemed to be no one to be seen behind the wheel and its back door strangely lied around in the invisible cloud of a tailess wing.